Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kyrgyzstan - Osh and Western Kyrgyz

Osh in Kyrgyzstan looked similar to the towns in Uzbekistan. It has a large bazaar which John, Le and I visited several times. It also has a park along the river which was well used during the weekend when we were there. Picture shows John and I on a "short walk" through the park.

On the way to Song-Kol, we had a couple of bush camps. The first was in the lake district of Kara-Kol (see picture - not to be confused with the town of Karakol west of Issyk-Kol lake) and the second was
about 12 km short of Kyzyl-Oi, along the Kokomeren River which has spectacular steep hill in the other side of the river.

When we arrived at Song-Kol, which according to some is the most beautiful spot in Kyrgyzstan, it was still very cold and the locals still had not set up their summer yurts. It was still snowing at Kyzart Pass when we drove through. So we left the next morning. After a couple of nights along the way, we eventually settled for Shamsy jailoo (about 60km west of Kochkor).

We had a great time there visiting a yurt and tasting fresh horse milk and fermented horse milk, and apricot jam, etc. We also arranged for the locals to have a game of "Goat Polo" - Kyzgyzstan's national game (see pictures attached) where the locals demonstrated their horsemanship in a game where there are no rules, apparently.

The jailoo was a wide open space and we went trekkng twice down the valley along the river. The river water was so clear, but cold. We braved the cold and jumped into it for a quick wash for it was very inviting.

A picture attached shows an irrigation canel which seemed the was they convey water from the mountains to irrigate the fields.

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